Monday, February 14, 2005

Thought for Valentine's Day:

They are inseparable.
And though one could easily believe that only in death would they be parted,
even that stands to be proven.
For their union was more than physical.
Their thoughts were one.
Their utterances wrapped in mutual approval.
And their love made of a spirit that embraced the universe and all of its living creatures.
The harmony of their song was filled with trust and respect.
Together they imparted to a world caught in bitter struggle against injustice the belief that solidarity welded to the deep committment and belief in nonviolence was and still remains the most powerful weapon in humankind's arsenal of choice.

Harry Belafonte
Eulogy for Ossie Davis

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anne: I simply love your work. Please explain how you achieve your colorful images. Also, what are the range of prices for the art?